You don’t need to spend hours in the gym to build bigger biceps. In fact, many of the best arm workouts are short and simple, like the one we’ll show you here.
Resistance Band Exercise
In order to get better results from resistance band training, you need to incorporate unique bicep workout circuits. Muscle building circuits are great for toning muscles and getting better at specific exercises. Most people never change up their exercise routine and ultimately get no results from it. It’s important that you give your body something new every time you train; otherwise, your body will adapt and not see any benefit from what you’re doing.
Overhead Triceps Extension
This exercise targets your triceps, which extend from your elbow to your shoulder. Lie face-up on an exercise bench and position two dumbbells overhead. Slowly bend at your elbows, lowering them behind you until they're nearly at 90 degrees. Hold for two seconds and then return to starting position. Repeat for 8-12 reps for three sets (rest 30 seconds between sets). Rest one minute, then repeat entire circuit once more.
Cable Rope Curl
This is definitely one of my favorite bicep workouts, and it’s unique as well. This involves doing cable rope curls while standing at an incline. It’s a great workout because you have to concentrate and make sure that your arms are fully extended before you can start lowering again; otherwise, your biceps will be taking all of the force! This exercise works both arms at once, meaning that each side is going through rep after rep simultaneously.
Push Ups
The number one exercise for building bigger arms is push ups. Hands down, nothing will give you better results than push ups. But if you have trouble doing pushups and can’t quite get your body flat on the ground when performing them, try an incline version of pushups instead: place your hands on two books and extend your arms in front of you so that they’re at 90-degree angles, then simply lower yourself to as far as you can go.
Reverse Flyes
This bicep workout is great for both women and men. All you need is a chair, broomstick or something similar that can act as an improvised handle, and then perform 15 repetitions of reverse flyes for each arm for one set. Rest for one minute and then do another set. Repeat as necessary until you have done three sets total, finishing up after all three are complete. You can increase or decrease repetitions depending on your fitness level.