The goal of tricep exercises is to increase muscle mass in the back of your upper arm. These three muscles, located on the back of your upper arm, are responsible for straightening your elbow and stabilizing your shoulder joint.
1) Seated Dumbbell Curls
Seated dumbbell curls, a.k.a preacher curls, place your arms in an elbow-up position, which helps isolate and target your biceps. If you want bigger arms that aren’t bulging from steroid use or excessive working out in general, these are great exercises to help tone down bulkiness and give definition to your muscles. The seated version also allows you more control over how much weight you use since it’s harder to cheat with only one arm working at a time.
2) Close Grip Bench Press
As a triceps and arm exercise, close grip bench press is simple: Grab a barbell with an overhand grip about shoulder-width apart. Then, lift it off its rack and bring it down toward your sternum. Lower until your upper arms are parallel to your torso and then press back up to straighten your arms again. If you want bigger biceps, too, do three sets of 8-12 reps for each arm.
3) Single Arm Push Ups
Single arm push ups are a great triceps exercise that strengthens your triceps and shoulders. Place your hands about shoulder width apart and extend one arm in front of you with your thumb facing down. Slowly lower yourself down by bending at your elbow until your upper arm is parallel to the floor, pause, then press back up. Do 3 sets of 12-15 reps on each side. If you can’t complete a full single arm push up, do partials instead where you drop down only halfway.
4) Bent Over Lateral Raises
This exercise can be done with dumbbells or a barbell. Stand straight with your legs shoulder-width apart, and keep your back straight. Hold your weights in front of you, at arms length, palms facing forward and elbows pointing out. Lifting slowly raise each weight up until they are parallel to the floor. Repeat 10-12 times depending on your strength levels and try adding more weight as you get stronger.
5) Alternate Bicep Curls
When you have big arms, they’re your best accessory. Biceps are already fairly prominent on their own, but adding triceps exercises can give them a boost of their own. If you want bigger arms, do bicep curls and alternate between arm days so that you work both muscles equally.
6) Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension
To do an overhead dumbbell triceps extension, hold a dumbbell over your head with both hands. Lean forward slightly, letting your arms hang at arm’s length. Raise both arms and bend them at a 90-degree angle. Bend only from your elbows; don’t let your shoulders shrug up toward your ears. Push down with your elbows until they reach a 90-degree angle again.
7) Cable Curls
Cable curls are a great triceps workout, which will give you nicely toned and strong arms. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and bend over at your waist so that your upper body is parallel to the floor. Grasp both ends of a lat pulldown bar with an underhand grip (palms facing you.
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