All of the best chest exercises are listed below in this comprehensive guide to getting your pecs in tip-top shape. Take your pick from these 10 best chest exercises and let us know how they work out for you!

10 Best Chest Exercises of All Time

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1) Bench Press

Over the past few decades, the bench press has become an American favorite at every gym. There’s a reason for that—the bench press is a complete chest workout. But more importantly, it allows you to lift lots of weight. When you go into your local gym, most people will be doing repetitions on either a flat or incline bench press machine.

incline bench press machine

2) Pec Deck Flyes

Grab two dumbbells and lie down on a flat bench with your back. Let your arms hang over each side of the bench and hold onto the dumbbells. This is your starting position. Keeping your elbows close to your body, slowly lift both arms up until they are in line with your chest.

pec deck flyes dumbbells

3) Cable Crossover

The cable crossover is perhaps one of the most effective chest exercises for building size. It works great for targeting both your inner and outer pectorals, along with your shoulder muscles. If you haven’t used it before in your workout routine, we recommend it as an important addition. Use 3-5 sets to complete a chest workout at gym. Perform 1-3 exercises per muscle group, depending on how many muscles you’re looking to work out in a single session.

Cable Crossover chest exercise

4) Chest Dips

chest workout at gym When you think about strength training your chest, you should do more than just think about pressing movements. The chest is a large and complex muscle group that’s responsible for both pushing and pulling motions—as such, it requires a variety of different types of exercises to maximize its effectiveness. Therefore, in addition to classic presses like bench presses and dips, be sure to include exercises like pull-ups and cable flyes in your routine.

bench presses and dips

5) Dumbbell Pullovers

The dumbbell pullover will hit your chest and triceps hard. To do it, lie back on a bench holding a dumbbell in each hand over your chest with arms straight (A). Slowly lower both weights out to each side, just past your shoulders (B), then press them up and together until they meet above your chest (C). Repeat.

Dumbbell Pullovers chest and tricep

6) Dumbbell Bench Presses

If you’re talking about chest workouts at a gym, you can’t beat dumbbell bench presses. This exercise primarily works your pectoral muscles and front deltoids, but it also allows you to target other secondary muscle groups like your triceps and back muscles. When selecting a weight for dumbbell bench presses, try to select one that will allow you to hit 15 repetitions—if it gets too easy, step up in weight until you find a good.

Dumbbell Bench Presses

7) Push-ups

 There are many variations you can do to make them more difficult, or less difficult. Here are 10 different pushup workouts you can use to get that complete chest workout

10 different pushup workouts

8) Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses

This exercise is a chest workout at gym favorite among both bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts alike. In addition to working your pectorals, incline bench presses also help build strength in your triceps and deltoids. Perform three sets of eight repetitions, resting 30 seconds between each set. When you’re performing your repetitions, lower yourself to an angle no greater than 30 degrees and lift up to an angle no more than 45 degrees.

Incline Dumbbell Bench Presses

9) Flat Barbell Bench Presses

The flat barbell bench press is one of the most effective chest exercises in existence. Barbells allow you to lift heavier weights, and with a flatter range of motion than dumbbells, your pecs can handle even more weight. Wide-grip barbell bench presses are also far superior to close-grip benches.

Flat Barbell Bench Presses

10) Incline Hammer Strength Presses

To make incline hammer strength presses, you’ll need a special machine at your gym. If you don’t have access to one, don’t worry; there are plenty of other great chest exercises that work better than traditional pressing moves anyway. To do these correctly, first adjust your seat so that it is at an incline that puts you at about a 30-degree angle from horizontal.

Incline Hammer Strength Presses